Advanced Intensive Audition Class

Why This Class?

The Advanced Intensive is on-camera auditioning class designed to deepen the craft and technique of actors who are currently out in the professional world auditioning and working in film and television.

This class is by invitation only. To register for the class, please click to sign up below:

What to Expect

In this 10-hours-per-week of instruction, we tackle many obstacles that may come up in your audition:

1) Truth: Get your focus away from “booking the job” and start living in the truth of the story. Learn to re-define yourself as the storyteller, not the “reader of lines.”

2) Relationship: Get your attention off yourself and onto the other person. Find the gems of what compels you to speak living in “their dialogue” not yours. Remember, as human beings we react from what we hear, not what we say.

3) Pacing: These days shows are faster paced and you must keep up in the audition room. Learn what needs to be memorized and when you can use your page.

4) Environment: Give yourself a situation to live in. Your choice, to live in a room at Paramount trying to impress the producers, or live in the rich and enticing environment where the story takes place.

5) Physicality: What to do when you are required to drive a car, shoot a gun, perform open heart surgery during your audition. This always trips actors up. Learn what to do and how to do it.

6) Sit-com: Here is the only place where we get technical. Comedy is all about the rhythm, it’s like a dance. If you change the words or the punctuation you change the music. Learn how to use your physical life to “play the music”, how to find and execute reversals and how to determine the funniest point of view.

The Fundamental, Mixed Level, Advanced classes are a prerequisite to join an Ongoing acting class. An Ongoing class is recommended to keep sharpening the skills you’ve learned. 

Your Instructor

Annie Grindlay

Annie Grindlay - top Los Angeles Acting Coach


Upcoming Classes

October 2024 :
October 1st – October 24th
Tues and Thurs: 9am – 2pm

November 2024 :
October 29th – November 21st
Tues and Thurs: 9am – 2pm

Location: Studio 1, 4th Floor

Hold your spot in our next class with a deposit! 

Click here to check out our studio policies for more information about sign ups and cancellations.